This tutorial is my own creation.
Tutorial was created in JASC PSP9.
Misted Tube: Sonia 5439
Lady Tube: Tub Tatie 2523481
Find them here: MATERIALS
Flaming Pear/Flexify 2
Mura Meister/Perspective Tiling
Find them here: FILTERS
Color Palette;
Foreground: 5a462d
Background: eedaa5
1. In your color palette create a radial gradient
2. Open a blank canvas 1024 x 600
3. Flood fill your canvas with the prepared gradient.
4. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur
5. Selections - Select All
6. Open your poser tube (Tubtattie 2523481)
edit- copy
7. Back to your working image Paste - Paste Into Selection
Select - Select None
8. Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling
9. Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur
10. Layer Duplicate
11. Effects - Simple - Diamonds (default) REPEAT
12. Layers Duplicate
13. Effects - Flaming Pear - Flexify 2
14. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
In your Layers palette change the mode to SOFT LIGHT
15. Open your mist (sonia 5439)
Edit - Copy
16. Back to your image Edit - Paste as New Layer
Slide to the far right
in your layer palette make the mode LUMINESCENCE LEGACY
17. Layer Duplicate
18. Image - Mirror
Layers Merge Down
19. Slide the layer up to the top
20. Layer Duplicate
21. In layers palette click the original layer (Layer 2)
22. Effects - Mura Meister - Perspective Tiling
23. Slide down to the bottom
24. Effects - Drop Shadow
25. Grab your selection tool
Rectangle, Feather 20
Make a rectangle in the open area
26. Effects - Penta - Dot & Cross (REPEAT)
27. Open your tube tattie again and copy and paste onto your tag. Resize 75%
28. Adjust - Sharpen
29. Drop shadow as is set
30. Edit - Copy
31. Add Border - 35 white
32. Use your magic wand and click in the white frame
33. Selections - Invert
34. Add the preset Drop Shadow 2 x
34. Selections - Invert
35. Selectins - Select None
34. Add Borders
2 pix black
2 pix white
2 pix black
30 pix white
35. Click the last white boarder with the magic wand but change feather to 0
36. Edit - Paste into selection
37. Selections - Select None
resize at will and add your name
Hope you enjoy this lesson!!!!
LYNDA'S Version
MAGGIE'S Version
KATHY B'S Version
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